What Should I Ask for in a Divorce?

What Should I Ask for in a Divorce?

Going through a divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process. The outcome will impact your and your children’s future, so it’s essential to make sure you get what you need and deserve. But what exactly should you ask for in a divorce? Here are some things to consider.

Property and Debt Division

When it comes to dividing assets, you have the right to ensure you get a fair share of the property you and your spouse accumulated during your marriage. This includes tangible assets like real estate, vehicles, and personal belongings and intangible assets like retirement accounts and investments.

Don’t forget to consider how debts accumulated during the marriage will be divided. This includes mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, credit card debt, and any other debts you and your spouse may have.

Child Custody

If you have children, their wellbeing should be your top priority. Make sure you have a custody arrangement that allows you to be an active and involved parent and meets your children’s needs. While courts typically prefer joint custody arrangements, it is within your rights to seek primary custody if you do not believe your spouse is equipped to care for and protect your children to the same degree that you are.

Child Support

If one parent is given primary custody, the other parent may be required to pay child support to help cover the costs of raising the children. As a custodial parent, it’s vital to ensure you receive enough financial support to meet your children’s needs. If you are a non-custodial parent, you should understand your rights to advocate for a fair agreement that is within your financial abilities. If there is equal custody, there must be a fair arrangement for how much each party will contribute to the children’s expenses.

Spousal Support

If one spouse was financially dependent on the other during the marriage, the dependent spouse might be entitled to spousal support (also known as alimony) to help them maintain a similar lifestyle and transition to financial independence after the divorce. If you were a primary caregiver at home while your spouse earned income, you should consider asking for alimony during your divorce proceedings.

Consult With an Experienced Divorce Attorney Today

When you are going through a divorce and are unsure of what to ask for, the team at Moskowitz Law Group is here to help. Our experienced divorce attorneys can help you understand your rights and help you negotiate a settlement that protects your interests. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start the process of getting the divorce settlement you deserve.

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