New Jersey Hebrew-Speaking Divorce Attorney
While getting divorced is never a simple process, attempting to do so in New Jersey when you prefer to speak Hebrew could be overwhelming. Trying to negotiate the best marital settlement for you and your family can be difficult if you have a difficult time comprehending legal documents or speaking to the judge.
A New Jersey Hebrew-speaking divorce attorney could help bridge the language gap while helping you pursue your divorce case. Once retained, a dedicated divorce lawyer could give you the legal support and guidance you need.
Galit Moskowitz could use her ability to speak Hebrew and her knowledge of Jewish traditions to advocate for your rights and make the divorce process as smooth as possible.
Division of Assets in New Jersey
The State of New Jersey considers all the income, property, and assets that a married couple gains during their marriage to be marital property. Individuals should note, however, that there are certain exceptions to this assumption. If a spouse owned property before their marriage or received an asset as a gift or inheritance, it is usually considered separate property and would remain with the person who owns it.
The law does not require divorcing spouses to split their property evenly. As an alternative, the division of property is determined by what is fair to each person based on their circumstances.
Depending on the circumstances, one party may get more of the marital estate because of a more significant financial need, an inequality in the parties’ incomes, or because of the other person’s actions during the divorce. Galit Moskowitz is a local Hebrew-speaking divorce attorney who could assist with any of these concerns.
Visitation and Other Child-Related Matters
Family court judges prioritize the health, safety, and welfare of any children that the divorcing couple has. Parents are required to negotiate child custody, visitation, and other issues, and present their final plan to the judge for approval.
In New Jersey, a court can enter an order which grants both parents joint custody of their children. Courts could also give sole custody to one parent and visitation time for the non-custodial parent. A judge has the discretion to approve any arrangement that works for the parents and is in the best interests of the children, as per New Jersey Revised Statutes §9:2-4.
Custody can be either physical or legal. The children live with the parent who has physical custody, while a parent with legal custody has the right to make important decisions about the child’s welfare and life. This includes their religious practices, where they attend school, and their medical treatment.
Awards of Spousal Maintenance
Multiple types of alimony may be awarded in a divorce. These payments could be temporary and only for the duration of the divorce, or they might last until both spouses become self-sufficient.
In lengthy marriages, a judge might order spousal support payments to last permanently. A Hebrew-speaking divorce lawyer in New Jersey could help an individual pursue spousal maintenance as needed in their particular circumstances.
Find Out More from a New Jersey Hebrew-Speaking Divorce Lawyer
Sorting through the complexities of a divorce could be stressful under the best circumstances. If you are contemplating divorcing your spouse and are worried that you may have trouble understanding the proceedings, get help from Galit Moskowitz the New Jersey Hebrew-speaking divorce lawyer. A dedicated family attorney could assist you with getting started on the next chapter of your life. Call today to get started.