Tips for a Peaceful Divorce

Tips for a Peaceful Divorce

When people imagine divorce, they typically imagine dramatic and high-conflict courtroom dramas. That usually isn’t the case. Most couples can work together to separate with as little friction as possible. However, that does not mean achieving a peaceful separation is easy.

To help guide you, here are some tips on turning your divorce from a television drama into a peaceful separation. At Moskowitz Law Group, we dedicate 100 percent of our practice to helping families manage these transitions and achieve positive outcomes.

Share a Common Goal

Emotions can run high during a divorce. While some people may want to point fingers, maintaining mutual respect helps keep the peace and cooperation. Finding common ground is one of the best ways to avoid the blame game.

Sharing a common goal or vision with your soon-to-be ex-spouse can help reframe the divorce as “us-versus-the-problem” instead of “me-versus-you.” One common shared goal is the best interests of children. It benefits both parents to avoid conflict that may affect their children’s well-being. Thus, treating children as a shared goal can help parents collaborate peacefully during the divorce.

You may try and determine this common goal privately before engaging professionals. However, if you feel uncomfortable, uninformed, confused, or coerced at any point, it is best to put the conversation on hold and engage the help of a legal professional before proceeding further.

Consider All Divorce Process Options

A wide range of divorce options are available. Picking the right one can help you reduce costs, delays, and conflicts in your proceedings.


Mediation requires the least legal oversight. In mediation sessions, a neutral third party helps spouses reach a fair consensus about splitting assets and property and determining child custody in their divorce. This option may work for couples who have agreed on most issues other than a few larger issues, such as homes and vehicles.

Collaborative Divorce

A collaborative divorce tends to have a bit more legal oversight, with spouses, lawyers, financial advisors, and mental health professionals coming together to work toward the best agreement possible. This method involves more parties but allows spouses to maintain privacy as these discussions are not considered part of the public court record. It also avoids the court having to appoint such professionals and control the evaluation process, giving the couple better freedom to decide their family’s own future.

Contested Divorce

The third type of divorce is what you typically imagine when you think of a divorce – a court proceeding. In a contested divorce, a family court judge will make the final decision on how divorced spouses will share child custody and divide their property. However, just because this option requires more legal work does not mean these proceedings have to be combative. The benefits of these proceedings depend on the facts of your case. So, it is best to consult with your lawyer to determine which is best for you.

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Throughout the divorce process, taking care of yourself and managing your physical and mental health is essential. This can involve relying on a support system of friends, family, and a therapist or counselor. However, choosing the right support network can affect your divorce proceedings. It may help to seek a calm, supportive presence that will help you avoid conflict as opposed to seek it out.

You may also consider postponing getting into another relationship until the divorce proceedings have concluded. On an emotional level, a new relationship can bring distrust into your old and new relationships and create more conflict. From a legal standpoint, a new relationship may lead to allegations of infidelity. Prioritizing yourself is not selfish and having a healthy support system without added drama will make it easier to separate in relative peace.

A Seasoned Family Law Attorney Can Guide You Through a Peaceful Divorce

Following these tips for a peaceful divorce can make your proceedings smoother, cheaper, and quicker. Another one of the best ways to avoid unnecessary conflict during your divorce is to retain a seasoned family law attorney to manage legal procedures and advocate on your behalf.

If you want a strong voice to represent you, contact Moskowitz Law Group. Our team of New Jersey divorce and family lawyers is here to help you get the outcome you deserve.

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