Pendente Lite Child Support Orders in New Jersey
Pendente lite is a legal term meaning “pending the proceeding.” Many types of legal orders could be issued pendente lite, and these serve as temporary solutions for people involved in a case before a permanent solution can be secured. If your divorce is not finalized yet, or the courts have not been able to give a full ruling on your child support or custody arrangements, you may need pendente lite child support orders in New Jersey. A dedicated local lawyer who is experienced in handling child support cases could be the ally you need to get financial support during this difficult time for your family.
How Pendente Lite Orders Affect Permanent Orders
Final child support arrangements are determined by set state guidelines that enumerate how much money a parent and child might be owed. These state guidelines are applied to pendente lite support and final support measures. They account the parent’s income from all sources, the amount of time each parent will spend with the child, medical care and insurance costs, work-related child care, extracurricular activities, school fees, and anything else necessary for the child’s life. These guidelines are applied to all parents who earn less than $187,200.00 net per annum. In any case where more money than that is made, the guidelines do not cover what should happen, and a judge will have more discretion to make a ruling.
While pendente lite orders will also generally follow these guidelines, because they are a stopgap measure, they are not final and are subject to change after further scrutiny. These orders will also be nullified once permanent orders are given. Pendente lite support orders are a fast way to get into a New Jersey family court to ensure that the child’s best interests are protected. Child support is the right of the child, not the parent, so it is important that they have financial safety, even if final orders have not been determined.
Temporary Support Order Continuations
If every factor for determining support remains the same as it was when the pendente lite order was issued, then there is a high likelihood that the support arrangement and costs will be the same. Of course, if anything is discovered to be different than what was originally considered, the orders may change to accommodate these new findings.
Does Spousal Support Impact Temporary Child Support Orders?
Alimony is one of the factors that are considered in the state guidelines. It means that spousal support is calculated as both an unavoidable expense to the party paying, while also meaning that the receiving spouse has a higher income to be considered in child support calculations. It is essential to consider all sources of income to get an accurate understanding of what a pendente lite child support order in New Jersey should look like.
An Attorney Could Help You with Temporary Child Support Orders
During the divorce process, it may be more difficult to financially provide for your child, especially if final child support orders have not been entered. To learn about your options for getting pendente lite child support orders in New Jersey, consult an experienced attorney. Call right away to get financial support for your child’s best interests.