Who Is Responsible For College Tuition?
By Moskowitz Law Group, LLC |Coming up with a workable plan for the financial needs of your children is one of the most contentious parts of most divorces. The Courts strive to enter orders that are in the best interests of the children, and also to enforce those orders. Typically, the expenses are apportioned between the parents based on ability to pay and need. In most cases Court ordered financial support ends when your children reach the age of 18. This is not true in all cases though, and it important for parents to be prepared for the possibility they will be held responsible for certain expenses relative to their children beyond the age of majority.
A perfect example of a case where the parents were required to pay for expenses of their child is the case of Caitlyn Ricci. In that case, the Court ordered the divorced parents of the college student to pay for her tuition. The case began in August 2013, when a Judge ordered Ricci’s parents to pay nearly $1,000.00 by the end of the year. The next move made by Ricci, was to sue her parents for $16,000.00 due in tuition. The Judge ordered the parents to pay that sum as well, but an appeal is likely.
To avoid complications and unexpected expenses, it is crucial you have the rights and duties of the parties clearly spelled out in your divorce decree. If you believe your ex is able to pay for higher education expenses, you should make that request during your divorce. Once an order is entered by the Judge, the only way to have it changed is by filing a motion to modify the decree. And, if your spouse fails to abide by the terms of a Court order you can request a contempt citation be issued. This usually gets the attention of your spouse, and goes a long way in resolving problems before they reach a heightened level.
For more information about which parent is responsible for certain expenses regarding children, call an experienced family law attorney for answers to your questions. We can be reached online at http://www.moskowitzlaw.com. Call today to schedule an appointment.