How to Promote Equal Parental Rights in New Jersey
By Moskowitz Law Group, LLC |When beginning to explore your options for custody, it is important to consider equal parental rights as an option. In New Jersey, there are laws in place to promote equal parental rights that can help you solidify a custody plan that is equal and fair for your family. Reach out to our family law attorneys to learn more about how to promote equal parental rights in New Jersey.
What are Equal Parental Rights?
There is a common misconception that mothers will automatically be granted custody over fathers. The law does not support this misconception, especially in New Jersey. In New Jersey, mothers and fathers have equal rights under the law and begin on equal ground with the Court.
What Factors Are Considered in Court?
Below are some of the factors that will determine if equal parental rights will be granted:
- How do the parents’ relationship affect their ability to care for their child?
- Can the parents actively and positively communicate and cooperate in matters concerning their child?
- Are both of the parents fit, mentally and physically, to adequately care for the child?
- Will the child be safe in the care of both parents?
- Is there a plan in place to assure the child has a concrete and stable home life in both their parents’ homes?
- What are the needs of the child? And can both parents meet those needs?
- How far do the parents live from each other and the child’s school and activities? And how will the child be transported between these places?
This list is not exhaustive. The judge will look at any and all factors they deem fit to ensure the child’s best interests are considered. In advocating for equal parental rights, it is crucial for a parent to prove to the judge that they are equally situated with the other parent when it comes to these factors.
Contact The Moskowitz Law Group Today for Help with a Parenting Plan
Preparing for Court and deciding your course of action can seem daunting, but our determined and compassionate child custody lawyers want to help you and your family receive exactly what they need. Our lawyers have expertise in equal parental rights, and they know how to help you fight for a fair custody plan that is best for your child. Call us today for a free virtual consultation.