Teaneck Child Custody Lawyer
Anytime that two parents of a child no longer live together, the Family Court must arrange for the custody of that child. This involves both determining where the child lives on a day to day basis and evaluating which parent should have the ability to make decisions concerning that child’s future. A Teaneck child custody lawyer can help parents fight for their child’s best interest and their rights as a parent. Custody battles can be very difficult, but with a dedicated and experienced family lawyer at your side, you may have a better chance of getting favorable custody orders from the court.
The Rights of Parents Over Children
Teaneck Revised Statute §9:2-4 states that both parents to a child have equal rights to retain custody over that child and that both parents should have frequent and continuing contact with the child when possible. The single most important factor a family court judge will consider when making a custody determination is the best interests of the child. Other factors to be evaluated include:
- The parents’ ability to agree to a parenting plan
- The stability of the child’s life with either or both parents
- The particular needs of the child
- Any history of domestic violence
- In certain cases, the child’s wishes
This determination comes into play when considering both versions of custody. Physical custody determines where the child spends their time while legal custody is the right of a parent to make decisions concerning that child’s upbringing. This may include religion, school choice, or extracurricular activities. A local child custody attorney can provide more information about the Teaneck laws that cover child custody hearings.
Examples of Model Child Custody Orders in Teaneck
The court has considerable power to enact child custody orders that supersede even the wishes of both the child’s parents. Additionally, these orders carry the full effect of the law, meaning any parent who violates an order risks not only damaging their relationship with the child but also harsh legal penalties.
One of the most pressing example of this is determining where the child lives. The law places a preference on a joint physical custody arrangement meaning that both parents retain some time where the child lives with them. A typical example can be the child living with the mother on weekdays and the father on weekends.
However, the court may also grant sole physical custody in some situations. This means that the child lives only with the custodial parent, but the other parents may still maintain visitation rights. Usually, this only applies if there is a history of domestic violence or drug addiction. These two versions of custody may also apply to matters regarding legal custody. Once again, there is a preference for creating orders that leave decision making in the hands of both parents whenever possible. A local custody attorney can help propose custody arrangements that are in the best interests of both parent and child.
Let a Teaneck Child Custody Lawyer Provide Help
No issue that can arise between parents has the same impact as determining who retains custody over a child. Whenever two parents no longer live together, it is essential that the parents come together on a parenting plan that receives court approval. However, when the parents cannot agree, Family Courts have broad powers to decide these matters in the best interests of a child.
A Teaneck child custody lawyer may be able to help you and your child to obtain a fair child custody arrangement. This can result in an order that grants majority joint custody or even sole custody. However, both parents have equal rights, and a court will not sever a parent-child relationship without powerful evidence. Contact a Teaneck child custody lawyer today to learn more about protecting your rights as a parent.