Benefits of a New Jersey Mothers’ Rights Lawyer
You are never obligated to hire an attorney when it comes to family Court proceedings. Whether you are dealing with child custody disputes or a divorce, you are within your rights to represent yourself. However, it is always best to have experienced counsel on your side to guide you through the process. Unfortunately, mothers are not always treated fairly in these proceedings.
There are several benefits of hiring a New Jersey mother’s rights lawyer. Their support can help you protect your relationship with your children and ensure the Court treats you in a fair manner. Reach out to a skilled mothers’ rights attorney right away to learn more.
Protecting Parental Rights
One of the most important benefits of hiring a mother’s rights lawyer in New Jersey is their ability to protect and enforce parental rights. Custody and parenting time are issues that can be determined by a court if the parties cannot agree, whether the parties are married to each other or not. The judge has the power to decide these matters based on what is in the best interests for the children.
A mother may not have a right to primary custody, but having the support of an attorney increases their chances of success in Court. Moreover, there are situations where a determination of custody and parenting time rights has been made by a court, but the other party is not following the terms of that order. It is, therefore, necessary to ask a judge to take the steps needed to enforce these rights.
Provide Impartial Guidance
A difficult aspect of conflict relating to the custody and support of children is that it can be emotional for those involved. These feelings can make it difficult to take a rational approach to the proceedings. Often, snap decisions are made without having had the opportunity to truly realize the ramifications of these decisions.
Having the support of a New Jersey mother’s rights attorney is beneficial in that it offers an objective view of the case. Some people struggle to take an impartial view of this process, but an attorney can give them the straight answers they need.
Resolving Disputes Amicably
Even when tensions are high, it may be possible to reach a reasonable agreement both parties can live with—if cooler heads are able to prevail. A helpful way to deal with contentious child custody issues is to avoid direct contact with the other party and to have experienced legal counsel on your side. A mother’s rights lawyer in New Jersey can deal directly with opposing counsel, which can avoid the kind of heated exchanges that might derail meaningful negotiations. This approach can drastically reduce the time and money required to resolve disputes in family Court.
Adapting to Changing Circumstances
There may arise occasions where one or both of the parents believe that an arrangement that is part of a prior order is not in the best interests of the child for reasons that arise after the prior order was made. In certain circumstances, the judge has the power to modify the terms of the order. It may not be immediately clear when modification is an option or the scope of what particular part of a prior order can be modified. That is where the support of legal counsel can be invaluable. An attorney can provide insight into whether a mother’s changing life circumstances are substantial enough to offer grounds for modified support or custody obligations. For example, a change in income could result in the need to modify monthly support payments. Another example is where circumstances arise that warrant a change of custody or parenting time arrangement. A lawyer can answer questions about how the modification process works.
Learn More About the Benefits of a Mothers’ Rights Attorney in New Jersey
If you are involved in a child custody or support dispute, there are many benefits of a New Jersey mothers’ rights lawyer to consider. With their support, you have the best chance to secure a fair outcome and ensure your rights are protected. Call as soon as possible to learn about your legal options.