Hackensack Domestic Violence Lawyer
A home should be a place of safety and security, but domestic violence unfortunately still occurs in Hackensack. If you are a domestic violence survivor and want to protect yourself and your children, it may be in your best interests to ask for help from a compassionate family attorney.
A seasoned Hackensack domestic violence lawyer may be able to help support you and your family during your time of need. Once retained, your legal counsel could fight to ensure the safety of you and your family and stand up for your rights.
Domestic Violence Cases
Violence in the home is considered a serious crime against society. In creating laws that specifically address and criminalize domestic violence, the state legislature has declared that it recognizes the correlation between spousal battery and child abuse.
When a victim of domestic violence calls the police, New Jersey Revised Statutes §2C:25-23 obligates the officer to inform the survivor of their right to ask the court for a temporary restraining order (TRO) against their attacker. A survivor may also lodge a criminal complaint and seek a civil judgment against the aggressor for any injuries. A well-informed Hackensack domestic violence attorney might be a helpful resource concerning restraining orders.
Domestic Violence and Divorce
If a domestic violence victim is married to their abuser, they may wish to file for divorce. An estranged spouse may list one or more reasons for their petition to dissolve the union, and extreme cruelty is one of nine valid grounds for divorce.
A court may not dismiss a charge or legal proceeding because the victim has moved out of the home or filed for divorce. An adept domestic violence lawyer in Hackensack may be able to file concurrent actions against a violent spouse on behalf of the survivor.
Domestic Violence and Child Custody
Courts in Hackensack are mandated by state statute to place the well-being of children first when creating or modifying a custody and visitation order. The judiciary should make an effort to allow separated parents time with their children, but there are exceptions.
In cases where there has been a history of domestic violence or substantiated abuse, the court may deprive the offending parent of parenting time if it deems that this arrangement would be best for the children’s welfare. Likewise, a tribunal may deny custody and visitation to a parent convicted of sexual assault or child endangerment.
In Hackensack, a parent who is ordered to stay away from their children due to abuse or endangerment is not absolved of all parental responsibility. Those who have engaged in aggressive abuse are still obligated to pay ordered child support or alimony if divorced.
Get in Touch with a Hackensack Domestic Violence Attorney Today
If domestic violence is affecting your family, it may be beneficial to contact an experienced attorney about potential separation, divorce, or alterations in child custody. Call today to speak with an experienced Hackensack domestic violence lawyer about potential legal action to protect yourself and your loved ones.